All posts by Dawn Mitchelle

Morningfun extender

Great self-portrait taken by Nadine2807 over at DeviantArt. The emphasis is obviously on the big green eyes with the big eyelashes but the black hair and the red lips also attract attention.

The blue shirt and background along with the pink bubble on her head add some great colors to the overall picture. Finally, the staged pose or “acting” adds a fun dimension to the portrait.

The Morning Extender: Making the Most of Your Early Hours

Mornings are a sacred time for many; a quiet period before the world wakes up, offering fresh energy and a clean slate. However, for some of us, mornings fly by too quickly, leaving us wishing for a few more precious moments before diving into the day’s responsibilities. Enter the concept of the “morning extender”—strategies and habits designed to prolong and maximize the benefits of the early hours.

The Magic of Mornings

The early hours offer a unique serenity unmatched by any other time of day. The stillness of dawn, the soft chirping of birds, and the gradual lighting of the world can provide a tranquil setting for introspection, planning, and personal growth.

Furthermore, research suggests that our brains are at their most alert shortly after waking. This makes mornings an ideal time for tasks requiring focus, creativity, and decision-making.

Strategies to Extend Your Morning

  1. Wake Up Earlier: It sounds simple, but setting an alarm 30 minutes to an hour earlier can make a world of difference. This provides additional time without affecting the natural progression of your morning.
  2. Establish a Routine: Having a structured morning routine can help you move efficiently through tasks, allowing you to fit more into the early hours. This could include meditation, exercise, reading, or journaling.
  3. Limit Digital Distractions: Avoid immediately reaching for your phone upon waking. Instead, delay checking emails, social media, or news until after you’ve completed your morning routine. This helps maintain the morning’s peaceful ambiance.
  4. Prepare the Night Before: Lay out clothes, prepare breakfast, and have your to-do list ready. By removing decision-making from your morning, you free up mental energy and time.
  5. Mindful Consumption: Instead of hurriedly drinking your morning coffee or tea, take a moment to savor it. Sit by a window, take in the sights and sounds, and enjoy the beverage. This practice of mindfulness can make mornings feel longer and more fulfilling.

The Benefits of an Extended Morning

  • Increased Productivity: With fewer distractions and a fresh mind, tasks are completed more efficiently and effectively.
  • Better Mental Health: Starting the day on a positive note can set the tone for the rest of the day, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Enhanced Creativity: The quiet of the morning can be an excellent time for brainstorming and creative tasks.
  • Time for Personal Growth: Extended mornings provide an opportunity for activities that contribute to personal development, such as reading, learning, or practicing a new skill.

In Conclusion

Extending your morning doesn’t necessarily mean waking up at the crack of dawn. Instead, it’s about optimizing the time you have, creating a routine that nourishes your mind and body, and setting the tone for a successful day ahead. By embracing the concept of the morning extender, you gift yourself the luxury of time, allowing for a more intentional and fulfilling start to each day.

Creature Fear

A dramatic self-portrait from x-chriscross-x over at DeviantArt that look straight from a Nike commercial. What I first like about this black and white portrait is the quality of the photo, it jumps at you, the perception of depth is amazing because of the much darker background and also the relatively shallow depth of field. The way it was post-processed surely has played a big part too. You don’t get black and white photos like that just coming out of a camera!

Another thing I like, the sweat and runny makeup add texture to the face and the sharpness of the image really brings out all those details along with of course the eyes. The intensity of her look along with the sweat and mascara running down her cheeks could give the impression that she just came back from a grueling day of workout. That or she has just escaped from a cabin of horror deep in the woods!

Creature Fear: The Innate and the Acquired

At the heart of many of our primal instincts lies a pervasive phenomenon: fear. One subset of these fears revolves around creatures, both real and imagined. From the slither of a snake to the lurking shadows that our minds transform into monsters, “creature fear” has been a consistent theme throughout human history. This article delves into the origins, manifestations, and cultural impacts of creature fear.

Biological Foundations

Humans, like all animals, have evolved with certain survival instincts. A significant part of this evolutionary process is the development of fear towards potential threats. Creatures that posed a danger to our ancestors—like large predators or venomous animals—instilled a sense of caution and fear, ensuring that humans avoided or were prepared to confront these threats. Over time, these innate fears were passed down through generations.

The Spectrum of Creature Fear

  1. Real Creatures: Many people harbor fears of specific animals such as spiders (arachnophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), or sharks. Such fears, even if exaggerated in modern settings, have roots in genuine threats these creatures might have posed in the past.
  2. Mythical Creatures: From dragons in European folklore to the chupacabra in Latin American legends, mythical creatures have been sources of fear and fascination. These creatures often symbolize deeper societal fears or uncertainties.
  3. Modern Monsters: As society evolved, so did our monsters. Urban legends about creatures like the Mothman or cinematic monsters like those from horror movies reflect modern-day anxieties and fears.

Cultural Interpretations

Different cultures interpret and react to creature fears in unique ways. Rituals, legends, and ceremonies have been crafted around these fears. For instance, some cultures have dances or rituals to ward off evil spirits or to appease angry deities often represented by fearsome creatures.

Overcoming Creature Fear

  1. Education: Understanding the nature and habits of creatures can reduce irrational fears. For instance, learning that most spiders are harmless can alleviate arachnophobia.
  2. Exposure Therapy: Gradual and controlled exposure to the source of fear can help individuals confront and overcome their phobias.
  3. Cultural Appreciation: Embracing and understanding the mythical creatures of various cultures can transform fear into fascination.

The Legacy of Creature Fear in Media

Books, films, and art have long drawn upon creature fears to evoke emotion. From Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to modern horror films, creators utilize these primal fears to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences.


Creature fear, deeply ingrained in our psyche, serves as a testament to our evolutionary past and our imaginative capacities. While some of these fears are remnants of past dangers, others are born from the depths of our creativity. By understanding, confronting, and even celebrating these fears, we not only learn more about ourselves but also about the rich tapestry of cultures and stories that have been woven over millennia.

A Little Piece Of Heaven

This selfie by Helen-Stifler on DeviantArt is very creative and the mix of colors really make this self-portrait great. Of course the big blue eye, the great makeup and the subtle retouching makes the girl looks like a professional model which never hurts when it comes to portraits. The expression on her face is also interesting as it adds some personality to the image. If anything, I think this girl makes a great case for blue hair!

A Little Piece of Heaven: Finding Serenity in Small Moments

In the rush and hustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the simple things – those brief moments that bring a sense of peace and calm to our otherwise hectic days. These moments, though fleeting, often hold the key to our well-being, offering a respite from the demands of the world and a glimpse into what many describe as “a little piece of heaven.”

The Power of Perspective

The concept of a “little piece of heaven” is deeply personal and varies from person to person. For some, it might be the warmth of the sun caressing their skin on a cold day, while for others, it could be the melodious chirping of birds in the morning or the taste of their favorite dessert. What’s important is not the moment itself, but the feelings it evokes.

These seemingly mundane moments can be transformative, reminding us of the beauty in the world and our ability to find joy in the smallest of things. It’s all about perspective. When we shift our focus from the chaos and challenges of life to appreciate these moments, we allow ourselves to experience genuine happiness.

The Science Behind It

Scientifically speaking, pausing to savor these moments can have profound effects on our mental health. Neurologically, when we experience joy or contentment, our brain releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine – neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.

Furthermore, studies have shown that regularly taking the time to appreciate small joys can reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost immunity. Over time, this practice can rewire the brain to be more receptive to positive experiences, making it easier to find and appreciate these “heavenly” moments.

Cultivating Your Piece of Heaven

Finding your own “little piece of heaven” requires mindfulness and intentionality. Here are some steps to help you discover and savor these moments:

  1. Practice Presence: Be fully present in the moment. Whether you’re sipping a cup of tea or watching a sunset, immerse yourself completely in the experience.
  2. Keep a Gratitude Journal: At the end of each day, jot down three things that brought you joy. Over time, you’ll begin to notice and appreciate these moments more.
  3. Limit Distractions: Disconnect from technology periodically. This allows you to be more in tune with your surroundings and more likely to spot those heavenly moments.
  4. Seek Beauty: Make it a point to seek out beauty in your daily life, whether it’s in nature, art, or simple everyday objects.

In Conclusion

While the phrase “a little piece of heaven” may conjure images of grandeur and otherworldly beauty, it’s often the simplest, most overlooked moments that bring us the most joy. By shifting our perspective and making a conscious effort to seek out and savor these moments, we can find serenity amidst the chaos and truly experience our own slice of heaven on earth.

Self Portrait | Some People Take Really Great Selfies

Some People Take Really Great Selfies: The Art, Science, and Psychology Behind It

Selfies have evolved from a mere fad into a cultural phenomenon. With the rise of smartphones and social media platforms, everyone has become their own photographer, capturing moments and expressions from their unique perspectives. However, some people seem to have mastered the art of taking selfies that are consistently captivating. What’s their secret? Let’s delve into the art, science, and psychology behind taking a great selfie.

1. The Art of Composition:

Golden Ratio and Rule of Thirds: A photograph’s composition plays a pivotal role in how appealing it is to the viewer. Many great selfie-takers unconsciously or consciously use the Golden Ratio or the Rule of Thirds, placing the subject off-center, which makes the image more balanced and harmonious.

Background Matters: A cluttered background can be distracting. Those with an artistic flair often opt for backgrounds that complement their subject, whether it’s a vibrant cityscape or a serene nature backdrop.

2. The Science of Lighting:

Lighting can make or break a selfie. Natural lighting, especially during the golden hour (shortly after sunrise or before sunset), provides a soft glow that highlights facial features and reduces harsh shadows. Additionally, ring lights and other artificial lighting tools can help create studio-quality selfies at home.

3. The Psychology of Expression:

A selfie is more than just a photograph; it’s an expression of an individual’s emotion and personality at that moment. Those who take compelling selfies often tap into genuine emotions, whether it’s joy, contemplation, or even melancholy. It’s about being authentic and connecting with the viewer on an emotional level.

4. Technical Mastery:

With myriad filters, apps, and editing tools available, the technical aspect of taking a selfie has become more intricate. While it’s easy to go overboard with filters, those who excel at taking selfies strike a balance, enhancing their photos without making them look overly processed.

5. The Social Aspect:

Social media platforms are more than just places to share photos; they’re communities. Engaging with followers, understanding what resonates with them, and being consistent in one’s online persona can amplify the impact of a great selfie.

6. Continuous Learning:

Like any other skill, taking great selfies requires practice and learning. By analyzing what works and what doesn’t, and by seeking inspiration from others, one can continuously improve their selfie game.


A Little Piece Of Heaven

This selfie by Helen-Stifler on DeviantArt is very creative and the mix of colors really make this self-portrait great. Of course the big blue eye, the great makeup and the subtle retouching makes the girl looks like a professional model which never hurts when it comes to portraits. The expression on her face is also interesting as it adds some personality to the image. If anything, I think this girl makes a great case for blue hair!

December 2, 2013


Creature Fear

A dramatic self-portrait from x-chriscross-x over at DeviantArt that look straight from a Nike commercial. What I first like about this black and white portrait is the quality of the photo, it jumps at you, the perception of depth is amazing because of the much darker background and also the relatively shallow depth of field. The way it was post-processed surely has played a big part too. You don’t get black and white photos like that just coming out of a camera!

Another thing I like, the sweat and runny makeup add texture to the face and the sharpness of the image really brings out all those details along with of course the eyes. The intensity of her look along with the sweat and mascara running down her cheeks could give the impression that she just came back from a grueling day of workout. That or she has just escaped from a cabin of horror deep in the woods!

December 2, 2013


Morningfun extended

Great self-portrait taken by Nadine2807 over at DeviantArt. The emphasis is obviously on the big green eyes with the big eyelashes but the black hair and the red lips also attract attention.The blue shirt and background along with the pink bubble on her head add some great colors to the overall picture. Finally, the staged pose or “acting” adds a fun dimension to the portrait.

In conclusion, while taking a selfie might seem like a simple act, there’s a lot that goes into making it stand out. Whether you’re a casual selfie-taker or aspire to become an influencer, understanding the art, science, and psychology of this modern form of self-expression can elevate your photos to the next level. Remember, it’s not just about capturing a face; it’s about capturing a moment, an emotion, and a story.

Sample Page | Self Portrait

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!